
Stoner tips for your weed-curious parents

2018-12-18 2 Dailymotion

So your parents want to get stoned. First of all, and let's all say it together, hell yeah.

However, and this is the tricky part, it's been a while since they've smoked marijuana — if they ever smoked at all — and the weed landscape has changed radically over the last few decades. Thankfully, you, their loving child, are 100 percent here for them. It's time to answer the call and help your parents get appropriately ripped.

But, where to start? You don't want to take it too fast and end up scaring them off. And there are some real, albeit manageable, concerns. Sure, recreational pot is legal in 10 states and the District of Columbia, but just because smoking a joint or eating an edible in one of those locales won't land someone in the slammer doesn't mean it doesn't come with its own set of pitfalls. You know, the Maureen Dowd effect.

Fortunately, we are presently in the golden age of green, and there's plenty of advice to be found on YouTube for the weed-curious parent.

Where to score
The first question that needs answering is the most basic: Where are your parents getting the weed? For the sake of this piece, let's assume they have legal means to acquire it. In addition to the states where recreational weed is legal, there are plenty of states that have legalized medical marijuana. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) is a nonprofit group working to legalize marijuana in the U.S., and has a great state-by-state map showing you exactly what the laws are where your folks live.

Assuming they live in a state that's legalized recreational marijuana, your parents (who if you are reading this article are surely over the age of 21) can just walk into a shop and buy their bud of choice.


Dispensaries are a lot like high-end wine stores. They're fancy, well lit, and there is a so-called budtender on hand to help you make your choice. The above video takes your weed-curious parents inside MedMen, a weed dispensary in West Hollywood, California and makes it clear that there's nothing there to intimidate them. Keep in mind, while MedMen has been compared to Apple stores in the past, not all dispensaries are as fancy.

What to consume
That brings us to the next question: What should your parents buy? While there are endless ways to partake in some THC and CBD, to keep it simple let's break it down into three easy to understand groups: flower, oil, and edibles.

Flower is, well, what you think of when you think of pot. It's the plant — green, leafy, and sticky in all its glory. But the flower of today is likely grown in different circumstances than what was commonly available in the U.S. decades ago. The below video, shot inside a high-end grow house, shows off an example of modern-day growing practices.


more here: http://www.tranganhnam.xyz/2018/12/consejos-de-stoner-para-tus-padres.html