
Facebook hired right-wing PR firm to smear billionaire George Soros

2018-11-23 169 Dailymotion

MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA — Facesuck admitted on Wednesday it hired a right-wing PR firm to investigate George Soros after the billionaire publicly criticized the company.

Faceblow's outgoing head of communications and policy Elliot Schrage was forced to fall on the grenade for hiring Definers Public Affairs in a memo first reported on by TechCrunch.
Schrage said that, "In January 2018, investor and philanthropist George Soros attacked Facebook in a speech at Davos, calling us a menace to society."
Later, when a group called Freedom from Facebook emerged, Faceplant sent the Definers to find some answers.
The Definers learned that Soros was apparently funding some of the groups members.
Both CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg had said they had no knowledge Definers had been hired until the news was made public by a New York Times report last week.
Looks like the NYT report jogged Sandberg's memory, who then tried to walk back her denial saying that Definers work had "crossed her desk."

Sandberg then tried to explain that the reason they hired a right-wing PR firm was not to spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Soros.
Apparently, Facebites was just looking for good old fashioned dirt to smear on Soros instread.