
WWE CONTROVERSY! Braun Strowman OUT Of WWE TLC 2018?! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2018

2019-02-26 32 Dailymotion

WWE CONTROVERSY! Braun Strowman OUT Of WWE TLC 2018?! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2018
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WWE Controversy! Braun Strowman Out Of WWE TLC 2018 and more in this WrestleTalk News November 2018…

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Sources used for research:
Every WWE Main Roster Heel Turn Of 2018 So Far, via WrestleTalk.com - https://wrestletalk.com/features/every-wwe-main-roster-heel-turn-of-2018-so-far/
Braun Strowman out with injury, missing WWE TLC 2018? - https://www.mandatory.com/wrestlezone/news/1023001-braun-strowman-elbow-surgery
Braun Strowman pulled from WWE Mixed Match Challenge - https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2018/11/braun-strowman-pulled-from-wwe-mmc-648065/
WWE controversy over Stephanie McMahon Raw line, via Wade Keller of PWTorch - https://twitter.com/thewadekeller/status/1064698267055939584
WWE will continue to use Roman Reigns leukemia diagnosis in storylines, via Wrestling Observer Radio - https://www.f4wonline.com/wrestling-observer-radio/wor-raw-survivor-series-fallout-tons-more-270571
Roman Reigns WWE charity donation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=motNet0vxFg
Ronda Rousey has weird tweet against Becky Lynch - https://twitter.com/RondaRousey/status/1064595642520002561