
Pres. Moon promises gov't support for Korean firms winning contracts overseas

2018-11-15 2 Dailymotion

문 대통령, 우리기업 싱가포르 지하철 건설현장방문해 스마트건설등 기술개발 당부

Staying in Singapore, President Moon also visited a state-of-the-art subway complex being built by Korea's GS Engineering and Construction.
He praised the Korean workers for their technical skills in building a four-in-one rail and bus depot, believed to be the first of its kind in the world, and offered them some words of encouragement.
The president promised to provide distribution and financial support for Korean firms doing businesses overseas.
He also called on the companies to work in line with the fast-approaching Fourth Industrial Revolution... and to integrate cutting-edge technology into the smart construction sector so they can win more deals abroad.
It was the South Korean leader's first visit to an overseas construction site since taking office.