
THE BIRTH OF JESUS - The Massacre of the Innocents & the Flight to Egypt

2018-11-14 1 Dailymotion


In fulfillment of ancient prophecy, Yeshua was born in Bethlehem, not far from Jerusalem.

First to hear the Good News were shepherds who gathered to behold the One whose birth the angels had proclaimed.

These simple shepherds all saw and felt the presence of God in the manger that day.

Led by a bright star in the sky, next to arrive were wise men from the east.

Bearing gifts for a new-born king, they naturally looked for him in King Herod's palace in Jerusalem.

A puppet ruler of the hated Roman Empire, Herod was a cruel and viscous king.

Alarmed that a rival for his throne had emerged,
Herod sent soldiers to slaughter every male child in Bethlehem
two years old and under.

What a terrible day that was.

Fortunately, Joseph had been forewarned by an angel --
and the holy Family escaped to find refuge in Egypt.

Only after Herod's death was it safe for them to return to Nazareth in Galilee.