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35 items requested by UNICEF allowed to be sent to N. Korea by the UNSC on N. Korea

2018-11-09 0 Dailymotion

"대북제재위, 유니세프에 46만8천불 35개물품 北반입 승인"

The UN Security Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea has allowed UNICEF to send some items needed for humanitarian work to the North.
Most of the 35 approved items are medical equipment needed to prevent malaria and tuberculosis, such as X-ray machines, surgical lights, and refrigerated storage for vaccines.
Their total value adds up to more than 460-thousand U.S. dollars.
This is the first time the committee has disclosed a list of approved humanitarian goods to the public.
These items can be brought into the regime until April 19th next year.
Meanwhile, requests for exemption from sanctions for aid from other humanitarian organizations have been delayed for several months.