

2008-09-28 334 Dailymotion

There are a lot of things happening in and out of San Francisco. And sometimes it's hard to hear about everything that's going on, especially when you're trying to find protests to go to. So I took to going to a website called indybay.org. I recommend it, it's a good resource and they have it for many parts of the world.

One day there was a post saying that there was going to be a protest at the UC-Berkeley campus. For those not familiar with the bay area, Berkeley is about 45 minutes away from San Francisco.

I'll let the film tell the story, but as you can see we never found the protest that day. We're not quite sure why. Maybe they changed the date, and they forgot to take the post off the website? Maybe we couldn't find the right place on campus? Maybe nobody showed up? Whatever it was, we knew that what took place that day couldn't possibly speak for all of Berkeley, nor for the thousands of university students across The United States.

So we started talking to as many people as we could. Young and old.

Famously we talked to characters from the sixties like Peter Yarrow and Bobby Seale (well, almost) and the Raging Grannies of Santa Cruz, the angriest yet sweetest grammas you could ever hope to meet. But we also talked to many students and young activists. I have countless other colorful characters on tape; this is just supposed to serve as a small representation of the kinds of people that we encountered in our search for the spirit of the 60s.

We were especially taken aback to what young people were saying. We could tell that there was something about to happen to our generation, something big. We just didn't know what it was yet.

That's when another young person opened our eyes to another sixties theme...