
Halloween Cookies with peanut butter and chocolate

2018-10-31 266 Dailymotion

Ver video en ESPAÑOL: http://youtu.be/xU2xCYCy60A
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Recipe in spanich https://cocinaycomparte.com/recetas/galletas-de-halloween-con-crema-de-cacahuate-y-chocolate

Ingredients for glaze
  1/2 cup of powdered sugar
  1 tablespoon of orange juice
  1 teaspoon of orange essence
  red vegetable coloring to taste
  yellow vegetable coloring to taste
Ingredients for cookies
  1/3 cup of powdered sugar
  150 grams of unsalted butter
  1 piece of orange
  1 2/3 cups wheat flour
  waxed paper to taste
Ingredients for filling
  30 grams of bitter chocolate for pastry
  1/2 cup peanut butter
To prepare the cookies, beat the butter, the powdered sugar and the orange peel in a bowl with the electric mixer until you get a pale and creamy mixture. Add the flour while stirring until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. Press the dough to form a disc and wrap in adherent plastic, refrigerate for one hour.

Place wax paper on the baking sheet.

Spread the dough on a floured surface with the help of the roller, until obtaining a thickness of 3 mm. Cut the cookies with a round cutter, until finishing with the whole dough approximately 24 cookies. Place the cookies in the trays leaving space between them so they do not stick if they inflate. Cut with a small knife the pumpkin faces in the middle of the cookies.

Preheat the oven to 350 ° F (175 ° C) and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool 3 minutes or until the cookies harden slightly. Pass to a grate and allow to cool completely.

To prepare the glaze, mix the powdered sugar and orange juice in a bowl, stir well with a spoon, add two drops of yellow and three red, mix well.

To prepare the filling, mix the peanut butter and the grated chocolate. Place a little of the butter on the biscuit without face, and place on top the other biscuit with face, pressing to join them as if it were a sandwich. Glaze each cookie with the glaze.

Give the children on Halloween.