
Lorry nearly ploughs into group of cyclists

2018-09-07 80 Dailymotion

A group of cyclists nearly get mowed down by a lorry in London. One of them shouts "f***ing hell" as the massive vehicle approaches.

"This road is on my regular commute to and from work. It gets very busy with cyclists," said the filmer.

The cyclists were waiting to cross after the lights turned green. "The queue of cyclists started to move forward, [and] a lorry travelling along the road went to cross the junction at the same time through a red light."

The narrow miss occured as the lorry slammed on the brakes after seeing the cyclists.

"It would appear that the lorry driver failed to notice the traffic lights, perhaps because they had louvres on them, and his view of the cyclists, and the cyclists view of the lorry, was obscured by the hoardings around the road works."