
Andrew Scheer in Halifax on removal, destruction and vandalism of statues and historical artifacts

2018-08-25 18 Dailymotion

Halifax Nova Scotia, Aug 24th 2018

Progressive Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer remarks on the defacing of the Canadian official currency , and also on the Macdonald and Cornwallis Statue Madness recently perpetrated in the cities of Halifax and Victoria .

The Leader of the Canadian Progressive Conservative Party and Official Opposition speaks at the annual PC Convention in Halifax, Aug 24th 2018

If you were never actually there, nor lived there, nor participated in anything there during that time period,,, then it seems totally inappropriate (and unjustified ) to issue judgemental opinions as if you were actually there, or to condemn famous historical figures through vengeful destructive acts based on self centered interpretations of matters that can never really be fully understood, that will always be biased towards whichever side you happen to be on, and that no one alive today had ever experienced or participated in ,, when we are all just critics, students, analysts and extremely distant outside observers constantly moving on a dynamic timeline, armed with our unlimited access to libraries of history books, data, evidence, and the many historical opinions recited and heard, while we carry the obscene advantage of already knowing the outcome and possessing perfect 20/20 hindsight while living in a relatively comfortable, safe, secure, and financially well-off 21st century environment with unlimited access to ultra modern technology with 5G data gathering capability - that has all been made possible because of the pioneering efforts, the enduring of extreme hardships, the heroism, bravery and tremendous sacrifice of our Forefathers who are now being attacked and disrespected while they are unable to defend themselves ?