
Tonight with Jasmeen Rana Afzal Khan Khurrum Sher Zaman Shahida Rehmani 24-August-2018

2018-08-24 3 Dailymotion

Tonight with Jasmeen | Rana Afzal Khan | Khurrum Sher Zaman | Shahida Rehmani | 24-August-2018 |

Host : Jasmeen Manzoor

Abhi Tu Shuruwat Hai Agae Agae Deikhein Hota Hai Kiya

Pakistan Ko Baray Ahem Maslay Darpesh Hain.. Rana Muhammad Afzal Kay Chnd Ahem Mashwaray

ImranKhan Ney Bohat Bari Misalein Qaim Ki Hain Mazeed Janiye Khurran Sher Zaman Sey
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