
Deux nuits avec Mathias Coureur

2018-08-11 3 Dailymotion

Animé par Florian Gautier.

Pour ce quatorzième épisode, je me suis envolé pour le Kazakhstan à la rencontre d'un martiniquais, Mathias Coureur, qui joue au football dans la modeste ville de Kyzylorda !

Musiques :
Armon - Heat N High (Feat. Far Places) https://soundcloud.com/soaveradio/heat-n-high
XANUBIS and soulecist - Tattoo List https://soundcloud.com/soulecist/tattoo-list
Else - Mirage https://soundcloud.com/else-official/else-mirage
eXcess - Man Down https://soundcloud.com/excess/man-down
November Lights - Talk (Imad Remix) https://soundcloud.com/soaverecords/talk-remix
Cameragrammar - Up Here https://soundcloud.com/chill-masters/cameragrammar-up-here
DFLV - Summer Escape https://soundcloud.com/chill-masters/summer-escape
Paaus - Contract max https://soundcloud.com/officialpaaus/contract-max
Anthony Keyrouz - Aestas (Feat Elsy and Light and Sax) https://soundcloud.com/soaverecords/anthony-keyrouz-aestas-ft-elsy-light-and-sax-ss-exclusive
Revelries and Henri Purnell - Feel it Still https://soundcloud.com/soaverecords/feel-it-still
Henri Purnell and Nathan Croma - True Lover https://soundcloud.com/soaverecords/true-lover
Max Shylo and Fabio Masilla - That Moment

Générique par Clément Lecoq -
Crédits iconographiques :
Plane by Made by Made from the Noun Project
Earth by Jack Knoebber from the Noun Project
Star by Three Six Five from the Noun Project
Hurdle by Charlotte Gilissen from the Noun Project
Handball by Luka Purgar from the Noun Project
Paddles by Maxim Kulikov from the Noun Project
Track by Chameleon Design from the Noun Project
Football by Thuy Nguyen from the Noun Project
Rugby by ProSymbols from the Noun Project
Tennis by Massimiliano Mauro from the Noun Project

Suivez-nous !

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Twitter : https://twitter.com/2nuitsavec
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/deuxnuitsavec