
Mom Asks Nurse To Lay Fragile Baby In Sons Arms Suddenly Overwhelmed By Stirring Moment To Follow

2018-08-08 13 Dailymotion

Mom Asks Nurse To Lay Fragile Baby In Sons Arms Suddenly Overwhelmed By Stirring Moment To Follow

Some little boys dream of being a superhero; others hope to be a famous ball player like they watch on TV. Their aspirations are grandeur and adorable at the same time.
Ever since a little boy named Mikey could speak, there is only one thing he has wanted to become. A big brother.

Mikey was an engagement baby for Jessica Marotta and her future hubby. Jessica shared with Love What Matters that for as long as he could talk, he would ask for a baby brother.
The Massachusetts mom and her husband Mike began trying for a second baby when Mikey was three. But month after month... nothing.
Mikey kept asking his mom and dad when he would finally have his baby brother -- it was all he could think about. After trying to conceive for a year, the couple sought help from a fertility specialist. Jessica even underwent surgery in the hopes of increasing the odds.
Finally, the pregnancy test showed a plus sign -- and it happened on Mikey's fifth birthday. They sprung the news on family members and everyone was thrilled.
But one month later, Jessica began experiencing complications. An ultrasound showed that at 11 weeks, they heartbreakingly lost the baby.
Testing revealed that the baby had trisomy 13, a condition that would have been fatal to the infant, Jessica said. And if that was not soul crushing enough, the nurse confirmed that the baby was a boy.
"It took my breath away. Mikey had gotten his baby brother, except now he was our angel baby."
The family of three picked up the pieces of their shattered hearts and resumed living life as best they could. They moved to their forever home and found a terrific school for Mikey to attend.
While cleaning out the garage, they tossed out all of Mikey's old baby things that they had hung on to for their now angel baby. Those things haunted them every time they laid eyes on the car seat, stroller and crib.
Once they settled into their new home, Jessica and her husband decided they did not want to go through that pain ever again. They would be content as a family of three.
"After that, every time Mikey asked for his baby brother, we would explain to him that there may be a chance that he may never get a baby brother. It broke our hearts to say these words to him, but we found a way to settle into a life just the three of us in our new home and enjoy our summer."
On Mikey's first day of kindergarten, Jessica bawled, she confessed. But she also was exhausted.
"I knew something was off, but I did not want to get too excited. I waited until the weekend and I had my husband pick up a pregnancy test. I took the test and waited in the bathroom alone for the result. My husband could hardly believe it and made me take two more tests just to be sure. We were excited but cautious."
They were pregnant again! But every time Jessica experienced complications, she panicked. She constantly researched online the risk of miscarriage as eve