
Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Wall Squat Core Activation

2018-07-03 2 Dailymotion

Sacro Iliac Joint Pain: Wall Squat Core Activation
Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8

This exercise can help with Sacro Iliac joint pain that can be caused by hyper mobility or instability due to strained ligaments from repetitive strain or acute trauma. If you experience pain or you’re unsure about this exercise please consult your local Physiotherapist before continuing. Wrap a closed loop resistance band around the thighs just above the knees. Then position yourself so that your low back is fully leaning up against the big ball on the wall. Keep your posture nice and tall but don’t arch your low back when leaning upright against the big ball. Next, engage you inner core stabilizers by contracting your pelvic floor muscles and pulling your transverse abdominal muscles below your belly button inwards, hugging your spine. Remember to keep breathing. Leaning your weight on the ball slide downwards doing a wall squat while you maintain static isometric pressure against the resistance bands. Keep your knees over your ankles and in alignment with your second toes. Hold the wall squat for 10 seconds. Repeat this for ten repetitions doing three sets daily.





