
The 10 FASCINATING Marriage Rituals around the WORLD

2018-07-04 0 Dailymotion

The 10 FASCINATING Marriage Rituals around the WORLD. From theft of shoes and rugby to fish slapping and drinking from the toilet for good luck, here are the strangest wedding traditions around the world.

#10 It’s All Fun And Games…
But in India, things are a little different. Imagine two teams ready to do anything to win, sounds messy, that’s for sure. So here are the rules of engagement. Right before the ceremony begins, the groom takes his shoes off. This is like the bell in any game indicating the beginning of the match…

#9 Do As The Romans Do!

#8 Old Wives Tales
There are always the old wife tale stories about childrearing, family, kids, medicine, food.. well, for everything. So, it should be of no surprise to you that there is a wife’s tale for weddings and marriage as well. In this case, the story goes that if the younger sister marries before the older ones does, the older sister should be barefooted during the wedding reception. Not to shame the older maiden but this is so she does not risk her chances of ever catching a husband.

#7 The oldest dating “site”
In India dating can be done by the parents or with the parent’s approval, hiring a match maker or simply on TV. Yes, TV in India is used for more than simple and fun entertainment. India has a dating TV channel where singles have their profiles and pictures aired all day and other singles would call to set times to meet with the ones they are attracted to. So, no need to go to a reality TV show to find love, just post on India’s Shagun tv channel and wait for the call. No, really, for you, it may be easier to just click and hit like on a website.

#6 No bathroom breaks for you!
#5 Mixing it up a little for good luck
#4 Protecting your investment
#3 All gone down the toilet
#2 Beating him good luck

#1 Kissing While Away
But what about making the guest do the kissing instead? This is one wedding tradition you want to be invited to. In Sweden…

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