Peace of mind is a common feeling we all desire. When we feel stressed, anxious or worried, we know that we have taken our focus off of Jesus. Jesus, whose very nature was peace, multiple times told us to “fear not” for He is with us. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Word cannot lie. Therefore, you can take a deep breath and rest assured that His Spirit lives within you guiding you every step of his day. I pray that this short “Faith Lift” will give you the peace you need to continue fighting from a place of victory. Jesus has already won your battle. It's up to you to claim that victory. You CAN do it. You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you the strength to win in this life God blesses you with. We all face times of fear and uncertainty. Maybe you're concerned about the health of your child, parent, or maybe even your own? Maybe you've received notice that you might not have a job soon? Or maybe you've faced a traumatic loss? Believe me, I know the feeling. Your heart races, you can barely breathe, you don't know if you can face another moment. I lived that life for years until I learned to grab hold of God's Word and decree His Promises over my life. Please know that during these times you are not alone. God sees everything in your life and He will not abandon you now. I pray you find hope and encouragement in these scriptures that I have rewritten in 1st person as if you were speaking them over yourself right now. Please take the next minute to receive these bible verses in your spirit and receive them as promises from God's own Word. Please SUBSCRIBE and LIKE this video. By doing so, you are spreading the message of God's hope around the globe to others who need to find Peace that passes all understanding. I truly thank you. You are a tremendous blessing. #FaithLift#DecreeThis