
4K TV IN THE DUMPSTER - Gamestop Dumpster Diving - Dumpster Diving At Gamestop Dumpster Diving Haul! Dumpster Dive Finds

2018-06-23 61 Dailymotion

This week, we had an amazing dumpster diving haul while dumpster diving at Gamestop! Total we went dumpster diving at about 10 different Gamestops, and ended up with an amazing dumpster diving haul! While dumpster diving at Gamestop, we actually found six new games for the PS3, and even found one game for the PS4, which was epic! We were also able to find two nice Xbox 360 controllers during this Gamestop dumpster dive, which was great since I currently only own one. I also found a headset for the Xbox 360, which I originally thought was cut, but ended up being in great condition. I was also able to fund an Xbox One charging kit for Xbox One controllers, which is something I desperately needed! The greatest find of the night was definitely the Vizio 43” 4K TV! I currently do not know if it works yet, but I have my fingers crossed that this TV will work! Thank you all for checking out my Gamestop dumpster diving videos, and until next time, peace out!

Jebus Gaming
P.O. Box 31374
Alexandria VA, 22310

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GameStop Dumpster Dives - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PZbRotbyOw&list=PLK1_4qybUZ4vNzqtODUt3uILrpoAhvr1x

Five Below Dumpster Dives - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WjccxookVw&list=PLK1_4qybUZ4tCTMFpty_7pXBT9I97G2St

Barnes And Noble Dumpster Dives - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScdrOJcoXQE&list=PLK1_4qybUZ4sySh_IKpcLqyrw9dLojtwi

Unboxing Mystery Boxes Videos!

COME DIVE WITH US DUMPSTER DIVING VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK1_4qybUZ4sFmMp4qbRy-1GW7W587eoP