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Fitch reaffirmed "/>

Fitch reaffirms S. Korea's government debt at 'AA-'

2018-06-22 1 Dailymotion

피치, 한국 신용등급 AA- 유지…"지정학적 위험 지속"

Fitch reaffirmed South Korea's grade at 'AA-' with a stable outlook.
In its latest credit report, the global ratings agency announced Seoul's growth performance remains strong and has been resilient amid ongoing geopolitical risks from the North.
However, it warned the threat of a trade war between the U.S. and China represents a downside risk to the nation's growth outlook.
The AA- rating, is the fourth highest grade, and is in line with countries like Taiwan and Belgium.
Moody's, another global credit rating agency, also reaffirmed its Aa2 rating for South Korea on June 18th.