How to plaster a wall for DIYers and beginners ( re skim a wall ) I show all aspects of the job from preparation to coating and laying it on and how to finish it . I talk about suction why the plaster might set fast or slow I talk about tools and trowels used about methods, with other good hints and tips to help you out on your #DIY project or if you are new to the trade and want to see some tips and tricks. I think this video on how to plaster a wall covers a lot but it is always hard to get all the details in and try to keep the video short at the same time.
Plastering is considered by many to be an art form and rightly so Plastering a wall for the first time is never easy and getting a professional result is extremely difficult. Plastering takes a long time to master some will learn how to plaster faster that others Hope this video helps you on your skills
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