
'Kim Jong-un wants change, he wants to be a rockstar,' Arirang News Exclusive Interview with Dennis Rodman

2018-06-15 3 Dailymotion

방한 중인 '김정은의 절친' 데니스 로드맨 아리랑 TV와의 국내 단독 인터뷰, '김정은 위원장은 변화에 마음이 열려있다'

He's been to North Korea several times, but this is his first time in South Korea.
Former NBA star Dennis Rodman, who says he's Kim Jong-un's friend for life,... sat down Thursday for an exclusive interview with Arirang News.
Rodman says he's in Seoul to support peace on the Korean Peninsula.
He says he believes his friend, the North Korean leader, has good intentions... despite the skepticism over whether the regime will really denuclearize and join the international community.
Here's Rodman talking with our very own Oh Soo-young.
You've been to North Korea five times. You've spent considerable time with Kim Jong-un, going to games, drinking with him and getting to know his family. What did you learn about his character -- is he someone who's willing to change?

"I don't know. I don't know him as a dictator. I don't know him like that. I've never seen that part but I've seen the part that cares. He's not a bad a guy. I was just trying to say he's not the one to say if you guys don't do what I say, I'm going to bomb you guys. I try to tell the wolrd, there's no way in hell he's going to bomb anyone on this planet. He loves his people so much he will not risk anything to do that. War doesn't go anywhere.

As you said, he has a lot on his plate. He's 34 years old, in charge of 25 million people. Did he ever seem pressured or stressed about the way North Korea is?

"I don't think he really wants to go by some of the things in past history with the old generation and leadership of his family. He's trying to slowly bring the free world into his country. Like, I say, he wants to be part of the 21, he wants his people to have opporunties and understand how the world works. So I've said since Day 1, I believe in him. It's like we trust each other."

So trust is an important issue.

"I think that's the biggest thing. He was a new generation. I think people have to realize that. He's actually trying to show people he is friendly, he is approachable and he is what he says he's going to be. But it's up to that trust factor. that's what he's so worried about. Trust."

Did you ever sense he wants to change the relationship between N. Korea and the U.S.?

"You know what? Just hearing him having a conversation with us, we just laugh and joke, talking about music and sports and things like that. Just hearing him say things like that tells me he wants to go to America. He wants to learn everything about America. He wants to be a rock star. It's about time, he's 34 years old right. He wants to get out in the world."