
WWE Fastlane Main Event CHANGED! Real Reason Ronda Rousey In WWE?! | WrestleTalk News Feb. 2018

2019-02-26 11 Dailymotion

WWE Fastlane main event changed, Real reason Ronda Rousey in WWE and more in this WrestleTalk News Feb. 2018...
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Real Reason Ronda Rousey in WWE for Stephanie McMahon, via Wrestling Observer Newsletter - https://members.f4wonline.com/wrestling-observer-newsletter/february-12-2018-wrestling-observer-newsletter-wrestlemania-plans-all

Shane McMahon changes WWE Fastlane main event to AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn vs either Dolph Ziggler or Baron Corbin - https://twitter.com/shanemcmahon/status/961615883700404225

Dolph Ziggler tweets Shane McMahon about WWE Fastlane main event - https://twitter.com/HEELZiggler/status/961645478214385664

AJ Styles vs Randy Orton vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens, WWE Fastlane - http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2017/1225/635272/wwe-fastlane-2018-main-event-revealed/

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