
Rumor: Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg WWE Plans LEAKED? Undertaker Makes WWE Return! | WrestleTalk News

2019-02-26 98 Dailymotion

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In this WrestleTalk News, The Undertaker announces he's having another run on Smackdown Live's 900th episode, and a bunch of rumors about WWE's Survivor Series plans - including Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg, The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler and Team Smackdown vs Team Raw.

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Undertaker is back full-time on Smackdown Live - https://twitter.com/WWE/status/798721941301399553

CageSideSeats - http://www.cagesideseats.com/2016/11/16/13646580/rumor-roundup-nov-16-2016-brock-lesnar-vs-goldberg-undertaker-plans-survivor-series-miz

WrestlingNewsWorld - https://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/raw-lesar-wwe/

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