
Trump expresses hope for further meetings with Kim Jong-un in final build-up to summit

2018-06-08 11 Dailymotion

트럼프, 北에 체제보장•종전 당근책 제시 - 우정엽 박사 대담

Joining us to dissect those words from President Trump we have Dr. Woo Jung-yeop,... from the Sejong Institute with us today. Dr. Woo thank you for joining us.

My pleasure.

1 - President Trump has suggested the possibility of one day normalizing diplomatic relations with North Korea. It would be quite a dramatic turnaround in North Korea-U.S. relations if this does happen. How do you see this situation?

2 - President Trump has also said he would like to sign an agreement with Kim Jong-un declaring the end to the Korean War. What could this mean exactly? Doesn't an agreement ending the Korean War also need to involve South Korea?

3 - Trump has also made comments saying that if this meeting goes well he could invite Kim to the U.S., possibly to the White House. That pretty much confirms that he is already thinking of a second summit with Kim. Should we now be getting ready for a second summit?

4 - For the denuclearization process, there is a suggestion that President Trump may be considering the Nunn-Lugar program, which carried out dismantling the nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet states in the 90's. Can you explain what this Nunn-Luger program is and whether you think that could be a realistic option?

5 - How big an entourage do you expect the two sides to bring with them? Obviously security is a big issue, and we saw a glimpse of the kind of security Kim keeps with him during the first inter-Korean summit with Moon. Do you think there are any issues we should look out for?

6 - Previously there were talks of a trilateral summit between the two Koreas and the U.S. But rumours coming out of the Blue House seem to suggest that President Moon might not be going to Singapore after all. Why do you think that is?

7 - Trump's latest comments came during a press briefing after his summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Now it was in fact their second summit in some 40 days, perhaps showing Abe's desperation not to be left out during this process of talks with North Korea. For Abe, do you think it was a successful trip? Why is it so important for Japan to stay involved?

8 - The Singaporean foreign minister is currently in Pyongyang after being invited by the North Korean regime, but there is no information on why he's there. (This is just speculation but...) why do you think he is in Pyongyang, and what do you think they will want to discuss?

9 - Moving on to inter-Korean relations... Seoul's vice minister of unification has gone to North Korea to meet with officials to discuss setting up a joint liaison office at Kaesong. This was part of the Panmunjom Declaration that was signed at the inter-Korean summit in April. How do you think the components of the declaration are being carried out?

10 - There are only a handful of days left till the North Korea-U.S. summit now. What do you think could happen between now and then? What could go wrong?

Thank you