
'Hey Bill Nye, What's the Evolutionary Purpose of Music and Art?'

2018-06-06 6 Dailymotion

The impulse to create art and music comes from deep evolutionary drives, explains Bill Nye the Science Guy. In the animal kingdom, song and visual displays are great tools for, um, flirting.

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Transcript: Michael Montoya: Hi Bill. Michael Montoya here. What do you think is the evolutionary advantage to humanity being both musically and artistically creative? And where do you think this initial spark of creativity came from?

Bill Nye: Michael. Michael. This is a great question and susceptible to speculation. Apparently music and art is part of the way we communicate and it's certainly the way you attract mates. I'll just put it to you that way. Musicians and artists engage other people in a way that people who don't use music and don't use art do not. Now, there's a lot of talk about songbirds in evolutionary biology and they all have these songs, which must be pleasing to the ears of their potential mates and also must send messages to others of their species, so I guess to other species as well. I am angry; this is my territory; I'm looking for a mate; it's a sunny day. These sort of announcements are made by other species so you figure humans have just taken it just a whole other level with albums and record release parties and art exhibits and art museums and art galleries. So it really is deep within us and I think art enriches our lives, engages our brains and stimulates us in a way that nothing else we do does. So, this is only speculation on my part but music especially certainly inspires us. That's for sure. So carry on Michael. Turn it up loud.