

2018-06-02 5 Dailymotion

A lot of attention has been focused on the effects of climate change on forests, farms, economy etc. But do you know how bad it has been for the ocean? Also, unfortunate events like the Fukushima nuclear disaster have released radioive particles into the ocean causing irreparable damage to the ocean creatures. So, it is no wonder that the last few years have seen lots of ocean creatures washing up dead on the shore. . There is also a possibility that climate change, radioive leaks, oil spills have caused some ocean creatures to mutate. So, these are the 8 amazing sea creatures or sea monsters in some cases that has shocked the world in recent years!\r
Firmament by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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1. Monstrous Creature in Acapulco, Mexico\r
Experts are baffled at a monstrous looking creature that washed up on a popular tourist beach in Mexico recently in March 2016. This strange creature that was found by beach goers on Bonfil beach was around 4 meters or 13 foot long! Since it was shared online thousands of times, it provoked a debate about the identity of the creature. Some said it was some breed of a giant squid and yet others say it could be a whale. Difficult to tell from those pictures!\r
2. The Montauk Monster\r
In 2008, a weird creature washed up in Montauk, New York. It gripped people in New York as there were wild speculations about the identity of the creature. Some suggested it was an alien, yet some said it was a mutant creature that escaped from a Government testing facility nearby. And a few speculated it to be a dog or a raccoon. The creature was hairless and was found by a young girl who had come there along with her friends. She photographed it and gave it to the media. \r
3. 30 feet sea creature in Aberdeen\r
Margaret and Nick Flippence made an incredible discovery when they were walking their dogs at Bridge of Don in Aberdeen, Scotland in new. The couple was shocked to see the size of the rotting body of the sea creature. It was 30 feet long. It almost looked pre-historic. The unidentified animal had its head, tail and teeth almost int. Experts, who examined the pictures, have suggested that it could be a long finned pilot whale which might have died a long time ago.\r
4. Conjoined whale twins in Mexico\r
This could be the first documented case of Siamese twin grey whales. Scientists discovered the body of the dead calves in Mexicos Scammons Lagoon early in January new. Although there have been cases of conjoined twins in other species including whales, there has been no published research of a conjoined gray whale twins. The body of the animal was around 7 feet and was severely underdeveloped and experts opine that the stillbirth of the Siamese twins might have also killed its mother.\r
5. Creature at Lake Macquarie in New South Wales, Australia\r
Australian Ethan Tipper stumbled upon this creature in February this year and couldnt figure out what exly it was! With the body of a crocodile and a head like a dolphin, we cannot really blame him. While the social media had a divided opinion about the creature, Australian museum fish collector Mark McGrouther believes it is a large pike eel which is a creature native to east Australia. However, this was the first time Mark ually saw the animal in flesh.\r
6. Mystery Sea Creature found in Wales\r
The couple was used to seeing jellyfish washed up on the sands of Morfa Beach, Port Talbot in South Wales. But never anything so big! The body of the creature was lying quite far off from the beach. Mrs Rees took photos of the creature and uploaded it on the social media but nobody has been able to identify her find, although there were some hilarious suggestions on facebook with one of them saying it could be the remains of a dinosaur!\r
7. Unidentified Red blob on Mudjimba beach, Australia\r
A mysterious aquatic creature washed up on shore at Mudjimba beach on the Sunshine coast. The creature is bright red and has no limbs, eyes or mouth but has frills around it. Ms Higgs tweeted a picture of the creature and left it on the beach. But when she got many retweets, she went back to the beach, took it home and put it in a bucket of salty water. Based on the several opinions she received on social media, she feels it might be a Spanish Dancer Slug.\r
8. Nine meter long Sea Monster washes up on New Zealand beach\r
With jagged teeth and large flippers, beachgoers on a New Zealand beach believed they had come across a pre-historic creature. The rotting nine metre long sea monster had washed up dead on Pukehina beach. Elizabeth Ann who posted a video of the creature on YouTube asked help in identifying it. As always there were several suggestions in the social media. However, a marine exp