Kimbap is our familys go-to meal for picnics. Theyre relatively mess-free, easy to share, and so delicious. Today Im going to share with you my personal recipe to making nutritious rolls of kimbap. Hope you enjoy it xx\r
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And Im back Q&A! \r
My Skincare Guide \r
The 3 Things I Never Buy \r
Q & A : \r
Whats in My Diaper Bag? \r
➢A B O U T M E \r
Hi, my name is Serina Hwang and Im a TV host based in Seoul, Korea and a mom to my adorable troublemakers Damien and Madeline. My YouTube channel is my outlet to inspire others along my journey to be the best version of myself. My channel focuses on health and all aspects of self-growth. I hope that you can find some inspiration through my lens.\r
➢C O N T A C T M E\r
For business inquiries: [email protected]