
Trump pulls plug on North Korea summit, what comes next?

2018-05-25 7 Dailymotion

북미정상회담 전격 취소, ‘세기의 담판’ 향방은? - 송세련 교수님

So the Kim-Trump summit looks to be off for now. But where do the two sides go from here?

Joining us in the studio to try and make sense of all this is Professor Song Se-ryun from Kyung Hee University. Professor it's good to have you with us.

Great to be here.

1 - Where do we start?... I guess we have to start with the letter that Trump wrote to Kim. It was a bizarre, surreal letter... on the one hand sounding like a 'Dear John' letter expressing regret over pulling out of the meeting, but on the other still threatening nuclear annihilation with massive and powerful weapons. What do you make of this development? Why did Trump pull out?

1a - Almost every expert I talked to and heard from said that they believed the summit was going to happen. Even if they didn't like it, they said it seemed inevitable. Was there any way we could have foreseen what was about to happen?

2 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other White House officials also revealed how difficult it has been to try and work with North Korea, how they didn't respond when asked. There was even a report a few days ago that revealed a U.S. delegation had been stood up for a scheduled meeting in Singapore two weeks ago. It's almost understandable that the U.S. would be frustrated at these kinds of actions. Do you think Pyongyang has mis-played its hand here that cost it this opportunity?

2a - Do you think North Korea was intentionally trying to be difficult or do you think there were other factors at work?