
BRIAN GHILLIOTTI: EXPLORING LITHIC SITE ALONG CT I-395 SOUTH: More alignments and interpretations

2018-05-24 1 Dailymotion

I proceded to the boulder that I identified as possibly be associated with observing Saturn. I then took an azimuth reading of the other cairns and glacial boulders that seemed to be in alignment with it, and got a reading of 45 degrees. I could not find and significance to 45 degrees, I did determine a back azimuth of 225 degrees. I looked up data associated with Jupiter.

Date Time Alt Azimuth SD Magnitude
2018/09/01 19:00:00 19 31 02 224 55 45 0 17.3 -1.9
2018/09/02 19:00:00 19 01 58 225 37 17 0 17.3 -1.9
2018/09/03 19:00:00 18 32 38 226 18 18 0 17.3 -1.9
2018/09/04 19:00:00 18 03 03 226 58 51 0 17.2 -1.9
2018/09/05 19:00:00 17 33 14 227 38 54 0 17.2 -1.9
2018/09/06 19:00:00 17 03 11 228 18 29 0 17.1 -1.9
2018/09/07 19:00:00 16 32 55 228 57 37 0 17.1 -1.9
2018/09/08 19:00:00 16 02 26 229 36 17 0 17.1 -1.9
2018/09/09 19:00:00 15 31 45 230 14 31 0 17.0 -1.9
2018/09/10 19:00:00 15 00 51 230 52 18 0 17.0 -1.9
2018/09/11 19:00:00 14 29 47 231 29 40 0 16.9 -1.9
2018/09/12 19:00:00 13 58 32 232 06 37 0 16.9 -1.9
2018/09/13 19:00:00 13 27 07 232 43 10 0 16.9 -1.9
2018/09/14 19:00:00 12 55 31 233 19 18 0 16.8 -1.9
2018/09/15 19:00:00 12 23 47 233 55 04 0 16.8 -1.9
2018/09/16 19:00:00 11 51 53 234 30 26 0 16.8 -1.9
2018/09/17 19:00:00 11 19 51 235 05 26 0 16.7 -1.8
2018/09/18 19:00:00 10 47 42 235 40 05 0 16.7 -1.8
2018/09/19 19:00:00 10 15 24 236 14 22 0 16.6 -1.8
2018/09/20 19:00:00 9 43 00 236 48 19 0 16.6 -1.8
2018/09/21 19:00:00 9 10 30 237 21 55 0 16.6 -1.8
2018/09/22 19:00:00 8 37 54 237 55 11 0 16.5 -1.8
2018/09/23 19:00:00 8 05 13 238 28 09 0 16.5 -1.8
2018/09/24 19:00:00 7 32 28 239 00 47 0 16.5 -1.8
2018/09/25 19:00:00 6 59 39 239 33 08 0 16.5 -1.8
2018/09/26 19:00:00 6 26 47 240 05 10 0 16.4 -1.8
2018/09/27 19:00:00 5 53 54 240 36 56 0 16.4 -1.8
2018/09/28 19:00:00 5 21 01 241 08 24 0 16.4 -1.8
2018/09/29 19:00:00 4 48 10 241 39 36 0 16.3 -1.8
2018/09/30 19:00:00 4 15 22 242 10 32 0 16.3 -1.8
2018/10/01 19:00:00 3 42 40 242 41 13 0 16.3 -1.8
2018/10/02 19:00:00 3 10 08 243 11 38 0 16.2 -1.8
2018/10/03 19:00:00 2 37 51 243 41 49 0 16.2 -1.8
2018/10/04 19:00:00 2 05 53 244 11 46 0 16.2 -1.8
2018/10/05 19:00:00 1 34 24 244 41 29 0 16.2 -1.8
2018/10/06 19:00:00 1 03 32 245 10 58 0 16.1 -1.8
2018/10/07 19:00:00 0 33 30 245 40 15 0 16.1 -1.8
2018/10/08 19:00:00 0 04 27 246 09 19 0 16.1 -1.8

Data suggests that obverting the alignment from the back azimuth perspective of 225 degrees, we will see Jupiter at its point in the sky during the last month before it becomes invisible with an altitude of below zero. This suggests that this was a harvest indicator. Brian Ghilliotti

Source: http://eco.mtk.nao.ac.jp/cgi-bin/koyomi/cande/horizontal_en.cgi