
Best Braun Series 7 790cc to save money Braun electric shaver for you. The real test is the shave

2018-05-19 2 Dailymotion

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I've accumulated quite a few electric razors over the years, with the three most recent being the new models from Norelco, Braun and Panasonic. So, thought I'd do a comparison to perhaps help those who are debating between these high-end models.

But first let's get a basic question out of the way: do you have to spend this much to get a good shave from an electric shaver? Absolutely not. Lower-end models such as the Braun Series 5, the 7000 and 8000 Norelco series and the Panasonic ArcIV are great shavers. What you get for the extra money is a slight improvement in the shave, a bit better design, and a few somewhat useful bells and whistles.

Build quality - all are very nicely put together. The Braun feels the most substantial; the 3D feels the most "plasticy."

Sound - the 3D runs very quietly; the Braun and Panasonic are far more "buzzy" but not too loud.

Overall feel - for me, the Braun feels the most comfortable to hold. Easy to grip even if your hands are wet. The Panasonic is a close second. The 3D feels the most awkward. Not horrible, but not all that comfortable either.

Dry shave: closeness - this is a tough call, with the Braun and the Panasonic both providing very close shaves. The 3D does a pretty good job, but my face does not feel as smooth as with the others.

Dry shave: speed - the 3D is the clear winner here. Just mows through my beard, with a total shave time of less than 3 min. The Panasonic takes about 4 min for a good shave; the Braun clocks in at about 5 min.

Dry shave: neck - this is the most difficult area for most shavers, and all of these models left a few errant hairs here and there. The 3D did the best but it comes at the expense of some irritation (see the next note). The Braun and Panasonic are about equal.

Dry shave: comfort - Braun is the winner for me, followed by the Panasonic. Zero redness even in the more sensitive spots (jaw line and neck). The 3D left me with some red spots on my neck. Nothing severe, but it is clearly a notch below the others on the comfort meter.

Wet shave - this is limited to just the Panasonic and the 3D. I'm not a big fan of wet shaving, but both of these do a very good job. The Panny works best with a very thin layer of gel-type cream; the 3D works best with a heavier lather (I got good results with Edge). Both provided close sh