
Minecraft ( Xbox 360 / PS3 ) TU17 HEROBRINE - PlayStation 3 HEroBRiNE Seed Showcase Title Update 14

2018-05-16 201 Dailymotion

Seed: 44665302\r
It looks like HEroBRiNe is a real seed that ually has a stranded and isolated island that is probably the closest we have to any Minecraft Survival Island seed. It literally has only one tree! LOL! What are the chances of that?! xD Ive never seen any other seed on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 which has a Survival Island seed as epic as this one. The mushroom biomes are either a big bonus or just downgrade the map depending on your perspective on whether you like them there or not. Comment down below on what you think of this seed and if you think its the closest survival island seed we will probably ever find.\r
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PSN ID: shellin3D