
Windows 8.1: How to change the Welcome Pre Logon screen background

2018-05-15 3 Dailymotion

How to change the hideous screen BEFORE logging in. The Lock Screen method only works if only ONE user account is set up, and not in a cooperate environment. Go to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindows\r
Right click folder SystemData, Properties, take ownership, and give full access right to yourself AND SYSTEM. If you forget SYSTEM you may get a blank pre-login screen. Windows will correct the rights upon next reboot unless you forgot SYSTEM.\r
Then go on to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsSystemDataS-1-5-18ReadOnlyLockScreen_Z\r
There are the cached backgound images. Right click each (usually only one), give yourself full access rights, and then delete it.\r
Then go to C:WindowsWebScreen\r
The img100.jpg is the one Windows 8.1 uses as template to create the background. Take ownership of the file, and rename it, I used the name img100x.jpg. I dont recommend deleting it.\r
Copy your own img100.jpg in there. It should be .jpg, 1920x1200.\r
My posting at MS-Forums: \r
Read this thread with the same topic about Windows 8, so many so called Microsoft Professionals dont get it what it is about: \r
If you want my background get it from Skydrive: \r
My Homepage: \r
Other techincal notes: Yes, recorded with a camera, you cannot record the pre-logon screen and a reboot with fraps and the like.