
Top 10 Weirdest Mental Illness and Disorders

2018-05-10 6 Dailymotion

The Top 10 Most Bizarre Mental Disorders\r
Number 10: Landau-Kleffner Syndrome\r
Landau-Kleffner syndrome patients are under the age of 5. It involves the child to suddenly lose the ability to understand words. They become ‘word deaf but their hearing is fine. They cant speak or understand words. Thankfully every documented case has the patient growing out of Landau-Kleffner by the time they are teenagers. \r
Number 9: Aboulomania\r
Paralysis of all decision-making abilities. Aboulomania causes patients to believe any decision they make will end badly. Overanalyzing the simplest of decisions such as ‘are you hungry? becomes a life-or-death decision. The indecisiveness without medical intervention would cause a sufferer to die of starvation and/or dehydration.\r
Number 8: Boanthropy\r
Moo-ving to the #8 position is boanthropy. The patient believes that they are a cow. They will exhibit symptoms of eating dirt and grass, a desire to sleep/urinate/defecate outdoors, and will stop speaking. They will communicate by making moo-ing sounds. \r
Number 7: Erotomania\r
The delusion that a celebrity is in love you without ever have meeting them. John Hinckley Jr is a well-known sufferer of erotomania. Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981 due to a fixation with ress Jodie Foster. He believed Foster was in love him and by assassinating the President, would somehow secure their relationship.\r
Number 6: Reduplicative Paramnesia\r
Reduplicative Paramnesia causes the patient to believe they are in some sort of ‘Twilight Zone world of sorts. They believe the location that they are presently at is also simultaneously somewhere else. The patient will become paranoid and believe themselves to be in 2 different places and/or dimensions.\r
Number 5: Jerusalem Syndrome\r
Jerusalem Syndrome is a well-known disorder in many religious tourist destinations, specifically Jerusalem. Travel guides in Jerusalem undergo training to deal with tourists that become afflicted with this disorder. It involves the person to suddenly start believing they are the Messiah or some other biblical charer. They will become hysterical, illogical, and start shouting passages from the bible. In the majority of cases removing the sufferer from the location causes the psychoticto pass.\r
Number 4: Cotard Syndrome\r
A patient with Cotard Syndrome believes with 100% certainty that they are already dead. They are often found lying in graveyards. The patient thinks that their blood and organs are gone and they are walking around in a shell of a body. Cotard Syndrome is a very rare mental disorder but those that have it often die of starvation.\r
Number 3: Fregolis Syndrome\r
Breaking into the top 3, sufferers of Fregolis Syndrome believe that friends and family can change their faces. The patient becomes paranoid that face changers are real and familiar people are strangers wearing the faces of those they once knew. \r
Number 2: Autophagia\r
An impulse-control disorder that causes someone to do something that is harmful to themselves or to someone else. The sufferer will feel an extraordinary urge or impulse to bite or eat portions of their body and then afterwards feel a strong sense of either arousal or gratification. Autophagia is extremely rare and there have been less than 100 cases in the last century.\r
Number 1: \r
The number one most Bizarre Mental Discorders leaves its patients a “Cut” above the rest. Apotemnophilia or Acrotomophilia sufferers feel an extreme and overwhelming urge to amputate their own limbs. Often enlisting friends or performing thethemselves, sufferers have been known to dismember fingers toes and even larger limbs such as hands, feet, or worse. After the amputation, many most report to be happy with the decision. I think it goes without question that this self mutilating disorder takes its place as the number one most bizarre mental disorder.\r
Time for the question of the day:\r
What would you do if your best friend or one of your family members asked you to assist them in chopping off their hand? Would you help? What if it was someone you hated?\r
Go ahead and let us know what you think in the comments section below.\r
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Voice Over by Christopher Hudspeth\r
Visit Chris at \r
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Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech