
18 Mysterious Things That Cant Be Explained

2018-05-07 8 Dailymotion

Here are 18 unbelievable things that are still unexplained like the Yonaguni monument or the insane looking Blood Lake in Iraq!\r
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8. Mysterious Geoglyphs\r
While on the ground, one may not completely understand the beauty of the geoglyphs. Once lifted in the air, the floor can come to life with artwork. The Nazca Lines located in Peru are a perfect example. While some are just geometric designs, other geoglyphs depict birds, fish, llamas, jaguars, monkeys or human figures. The Nazca culture dates from 500 BC to 500 AD. So how did these ancient people possess the proper technology in order to create such intricate designs? It seems much too advanced. How are these lines made in the desert even still here? You would think the wind should have caused these to disappear a long time ago. It makes you wonder why they would go through the trouble to create something that cant even be seen unless its from the air. This one here called the owlman makes many wonder if they made cont with extreterrestrials. \r
7. UFO Cave Carving\r
This cave painting in France is over 12 thousand years old and depict what we would consider a UFO or flying saucer. Could cavemen have at some point seen flying saucer in the sky and depicted what they saw by this cave painting. Whatever it was an impression on them deep enough for them to leave this carving. Does it look like a bird to you? If not a flying saucer, what else could it be?\r
6. Native American Face Google Maps\r
Somewhere in the mountains in Alberta, Canada; someone noticed that the mountains seemed to form perfectly the face and headdress of a Native American man. Tribes of indians didnt live too far from these mountains. Could they have possibly carved this face or is it purely a coincidence. Mountains are known to form in many unique shapes but the facial features seem extremely accurate. Theres even claims hes wearing headphones but thats ually a hiking trail. \r
5. Blood Lake, Iraq\r
This sounds like somewhere you want to avoid. It was noticed on google maps and it really hasnt been too well explained. The blood red color would make many assume that this was caused by some bloody massacre that took place. But there would be far too many people that would have to die in order to make this body of water that red. Some claim its from a nearby slaughter house; others from iron rich pollutants. Either either way, its extremely mysterious and has yet to be explained\r
4. The Mekong Fireballs\r
Scientists cant explain every mystery. In late October, thousands of spectators from Thailand regularly witness the Naga Fireballs rise from river called Mekong. Each fireball is about the size on an egg to a basketball and shoots out into the sky and shocks spectators. What looks to be fireworks is ually a natural phenomena. Some believe the river is filled with flamable gas and is spontaneously combusted somehow. But no one has yet to give definitive answer about how this happens.\r
3. Alien Spider Creature\r
This enormous alien looking insect creature was captured on tape and was crawling down an apartment building in Russia. Could this be a clever hoax or is there really a strange stick figure like alien out there? Many people across Europe have reported seeing something like this before but no one has been able to capture it on camera. The video originally was uploaded on youtube but some people dont think it was an alien and if you look closer it starts to look like slenderman. Its a very strange story and is most likely a hoax but who ever posted it originally hasnt confessed to anything. \r
2. The Taos Hum\r
In the city of Taos, New Mexico; inhabitants have noticed a persistent low frequency humming noise and became apart of a news investigation. The researchers came and heard it as well. Some feel the vibration, others compare it to a noise you might hear in your household; like an air conditioning unit. What could be the cause of this? Is it a psychological thing or is it something supernatural that we cannot explain? Some say it may have something to do with the earths crust is abnormally thin here but nothing has been confirmed.\r
1. Mountain Owen Moa\r
Moas were giant ostriches that only existed in New Zealand and are now extinct. This flightless bird went extinct from overhunting and were at one point, the largest bird to walk the planet. Mount Owens is located in Wyoming. Mummified moa remains were discovered any Wyoming isnt even close to New Zealand. This was extremely baffling to see the tissue and foot of an extinct creature. The remains were sent to New Zealand for further research and are on display in a museum.