
Pokemon Magic Microwave Disney Princesses Pounding Toys Melissa and Doug Nesting and Sorting Garages

2018-05-07 6 Dailymotion

Pokemon Magic Microwave Disney Princesses Pounding Toys Melissa and Doug Nesting and Sorting Garages\r
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Hi everyone! Watch us as we add play-doh to our magic Microwave and they will turn into pokeballs. Then, we will put the pokeballs back in to the microwave and they will turn into Pokemon figures Pikachu, Froaki, Chespin, and Fennekin. We will also learn the colors Black, White, Blue, Red, Green, and Purple.\r
Next, join us as we use our magic microwave to turn Disney Princesses Belle, Rapunzel, Cinderella & Ariels glitter playdoh dresses into real dresses. Finally, we learn our colors using the Paw Patrol, pounding toys, Melissa and Doug Nesting and Sorting Garages. This is the best learn colors video for kids, toddlers and preschoolers.\r
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