
চা বিক্রি করে সংসার চালায় সেই চাচার গায়ে হাত ? দারিদ্রতা II New Bangla Heart Touching Short Film

2018-05-07 15 Dailymotion

This concept have no connection with the reality...
This video made for immigrant who are working hard abroad for us.
This video is made only for educative purpose..
Don't take funny videos seriously...
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If we learn to be a little older than our parents, then I do not recognize my parents. Parents who have brought us so much trouble by bringing us all we have forgotten them all.

This uncle runs the family by selling the fine tea. We have not got this untoward and exemption from our hands, we are inhuman. If you have any errors in this video then forgive

oasim giyas

akhi akter

Sheikh Riad


||Bangla Short Film 2018 By Azaira Tv