
Shab e Barat Ki Fazilat NEW┇Shab-E-Barat 2018┇15 Shaban Ki Fazilatby Maulana Tariq jameel Bayan 2018

2018-04-28 5 Dailymotion

Shab e Barat Ki Fazilat NEW┇Shab-E-Barat 2018┇15 Shaban Ki Fazilat┇Maulana Tariq jameel Bayan 2018 ᴴᴰ Latest Short Clip Bayan On islamic Tips #shab-e-barat #shab-e-barat 2018 #shab-e-barat bayan #shab-e-barat status #15 shaban #15 shaban 2018 #maulana tariq jameel #maulana tariq jameel bayan #maulana tariq jameel 2018 #maulana tariq jameel latest #Shab e Barat by tariq jameel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fifteenth of Shaban is a standout amongst the most worshipped evenings among Muslims in which Muslims look for Allah's absolution and gifts and atone over their wrongdoings. The lines beneath examine the hugeness of Shab e Barat in the light of two noteworthy hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said concerning Shab e Barat recognition. Hadith#1: The hadith is narrated by Hazrat Ali (RA) in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “When it is the fifteenth of Shaban, then stand (in worship) at night and fast during the day. Because Allah descends in this night at sunset to the first heaven and says: ‘Is there any seeker of forgiveness, that I may forgive him? Is there any seeker of sustenance, that I may sustain him? Is there anyone in affliction, that I may remove his affliction? Is there anyone like this, like that (and so on)’. This continues until Fajr.” (Ibn Majah) ... This hadith of Prophet (PBUH) gives two sorts of demonstrations of love a Muslim is to perform concerning the festival of Shab e Barat, though both these types of love share a solitary objective, and that is of asking of anything from Allah All-powerful. According to this hadith a Muslim should remain up amid the night and enjoy love of Allah God-like, though, amid the day he or she should keep quick in Shaban and acquire compensate for it particularly on the particular day. The motivation behind why Prophet (PBUH) praised worshiping during the evening is the way that after the nightfall of the fourteenth of Shaban, Allah All-powerful goes to the main paradise, from where He calls upon the general population and calls them to ask whatever they need and He will concede them. Along these lines, regardless of whatever is there that a Muslim needs from life, he or she can request it from Allah God-like amid this night. There can be no better importance of Shab e Barat contrasted with the opportunity of asking whatever a man can ask from Allah All-powerful, in any case, so as to do as such a Muslim must take the way of supplications, which make the interest more compelling and add to the reward of the Muslim.