
Lucid Dreaming: The most Powerful Technique to Lucid Dream TONIGHT

2018-04-27 2 Dailymotion

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video Ill be sharing with you the most powerful technique that I have found to lucid dream tonight. Now Ive been lucid dreaming for about five years off and on. I find that doing this technique has been the most powerful one that I have found, and also the one that I have recommended to the most amount of people that people have had the best experience with.\r
Now I did a prior video on the experience that I had, but what I wanted to do was to put that in a short video that just gets right into the technique. 43 seconds in, here we go. The technique is simply this: What youre going to do is youre going to some type of object. Now this could be a very small object, maybe about this size give or take. What youre going to do is have this object be representative of your passion. It could just be some type of symbol. For me, I think it was a quartz crystal that I started off with using. It was in the shape of a pyramid. What I did is I looked at that.\r
What youre going to do is for save days straight, about five minutes a night before you go to bed, what youre going to do is stare at this object. What youre going to do is youre going to have an intention to, one, remember your dreams when you wake up in the morning. But also, two, youre going to have an intention that you see that when you are in your dream. Youre going to have an intention that as you look at it, you know understand what youre doing that when you go to bed at night, youre going to see it in your dream.\r
Now what youre going to do is youre going to do that and just stare at the object for five minutes a night. Youre going to do that for seven days straight. Now this doesnt mean that its going to take this amount of time for you to start lucid dreaming. Just do this every single night, and as you do it, it gets easier and easier.\r
Now what youre going to do at the end of that seven days is youre going to add one other object to it. The other object that you can add can be something that is the ex opposite representation of that. It could be a nail, like a spiky nail. By nail I dont mean my fingernail. Maybe it could be a fingernail, but meaning like a nail like you put into a 2x4. Or you could have it be some type of hairpins in a weird way. Anything that you could think of that would be the ex opposite of that representation. Something that would shock you if you saw it, thats so different from that one object that when you put it next to it, it just completely seems nonsensical and it also just will jar you awake.\r
Now the idea is that for the next seven days youre going to have that one object that you had, and right next to it youre going to put the other object. Youre going to stare at that five minutes every night before you go to bed. Youre going to do that for seven days. Now what will happen in this process is when you have the intention every night to see those objects in your dream, what will happen is at some point, it could be within the first week and it could be within the second week, youre going to jar yourself awake inside of the dream because those objects will represent the idea of lucid dreaming to you.\r
Now the idea behind the nail or whatever object you use is the idea that when you see it, it is so far different from the other one that you simply know and have the intention that when you see it, you will remember that you are dreaming. The idea is that if you do this every single night, you will find that after a couple days you might have results, after a day you might have results, and after two weeks you might have results.\r
But what Ive found is, generally speaking for me, it happened within the first probably four or five days that I started doing it. With these objects you can use anything that represents your passion. Just have it to be smaller. It could be a piece of jewelry. It could be a crystal like what I used. I used a little pyramid quartz crystal that I had. Then what I used for the other one was a nail just because it was so far different. It was almost like two nails that were crossed in like this that was just sitting next to it. I did that, and within four days, thats when I started getting results with it.\r
Realize the most powerful part of this process is having the intention, when you go to bed, that youre going to see these objects when you are sleeping, and that when you see them, it will jar you awake. Do it consistently. It gets easier as you go. At the very least, every night before you go to bed, even if you dont have time for all of this, just simply set the intention that youll remember your dreams when you wake up. Then y