
Dungeon Defenders 2 - Early Access Review and Impressions

2018-04-26 1 Dailymotion

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The kids have grown up! In Dungeon Defenders 2 you continue the story as the apprentice, the squire, the huntress, or the monk. The kids are now what appear to be teenagers with slick overhauled graphics. More charers are coming. The game is now in early access on Steam and I thought I would provide my initial impressions on this unique game.\r
Just like the original dungeon defenders game, this is also a hybrid tower defense and Action RPG. You still get all the same fun loot collecting, leveling, and skill points, along with a slightly tweaked gear upgrade system.\r
Before I get too far down the rabbit hole, I was an original Dungeon Defenders 2 Defense Council Member. This meant I have seen every build prior to the Steam Early Access public release. This game has progressed immensely from the days of its infancy and with much excitement I am glad to say this is one of the best feeling Early Access games I have experienced in a long time. They did right by the community and didnt release a buggy product. I have yet to see a crash. The only issues I have noticed are a few camera clipping issues.\r
From the first few moments in the game you can tell this is a smooth product. If you were a player of the original this will feel liquid, with a slightly faster pacing. When the game was initially announced it was going to be a MOBA styled tower defense game that was free to play. A lot of the original fans were obviously upset that it wasnt a true continuation of the original game; I was not one of them. I thought the MOBA style might provide something unique to this game but those ideas were tabled, but will it probably make an appearance in the future in some form.\r
The game did keep the Free to Play ideology though and that will likely propel this game to new heights on the PC. However to ually in the Early Access you do have to purchase a copy for $25, or catch it on sale. This does come with perks such as premium currency, a unique title, and some exclusive skins. This is the standard fare when a game comes to early access. However, unlike other free to play titles all items sold for cash currency will, I quote Never grant gameplay advantage. Ever.\r
Being part of Early Access does have a unique perk. Influence. Influence points are earned every day you login which can be spent to vote on what various features or implementations of features in coming builds.\r
Back to the game, each playable class has 4 spells and 4 unique towers. The game builds upon its original format with each spell and tower unlocking through level progression, along with ability to upgrade the existing towers. Another area where this game excels over its predecessor is the new Wave Director which will slightly randomize enemy waves. This could mean different enemy types, where they come from, or various stat buffs. They are also looking to get in the occasionally, caught you with your pants down events.\r
This game is currently planning on remaining in Early Access for at least a year. Hopefully the Trendy can keep up the momentum and keep new exciting features releasing until the games final release. This game currently boasts.\r
4 Heroes\r
10 Maps across multiple difficulty modes\r
18 Enemies, Minibosses, and Special Enemies to fight\r
Hundreds of Weapons, Relics & Armor for you to find!\r
24 Specs to customize your Heroes Defenses and Abilities\r
Over 50 special stats\r
It currently doesnt have any form of cash shop available, or pets. The biggest downfall to the game currently is the tedious matchmaking process, which can have you struggling to get in and out games fast. Layers and layers of menus slow the process even though finding players to play with is the fastest part.\r
Knowing this game is going free to play but still costs money to play before launch can dissuade a lot of players, but if you enjoyed the first game, tower defense, or casual ARPG games you will easily get your monies worth in entertainment. This game sets a good example for what Early Access games should be in their launch status.\r
(Sourced From