
Making Super Sonic 338 Spectre Cast Ammo- Part 1 Casting The Bullets

2018-04-24 13 Dailymotion

Short video series of making super sonic 230 gr cast 338 Spectre ammo for my 338 Spectre SBR. 338 bullets are pretty expensive, so I was looking at making some super sonic plinker ammo with some 230 gr cast bullets using my NOE 340-224Gr. FN 4 cavity GC bullet mold. The ammo is short enough to fit inside a 6.8spc magazine and a regular AR15 upper (with a 6.8spc bolt and 338 spectre barrel). The 338 Spectre is kind of like a bigger brother of the 300 blk and uses 10mm magnum brass necked down to .338. I made these bullets with a little harder alloy since I am using them in an AR15 platfrom. Next video I will be sizing, powder coating, and gas checking.

Equipment Used:

RCBS Pro-Melt
NOE bullet mold: 340 224Gr. FN 4 cavity GC
Water bucket & colander
Harbor freight leather gloves and apron
Old towel


Pilots Of Stone by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/