
Hazrat Mohammad SAW Ki Paidaish Ka Qissa Prophet Mohammad Birth Story by Maulana Tariq Jameel

2018-04-20 71 Dailymotion

Hazrat Mohammad SAW Ki Paidaish Ka Qissa Prophet Mohammad Birth Story by Maulana Tariq Jameel 2018

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Maulana Tariq Jameel was born on 1 January 1953. Molana Tariq Jameel is one of the best islamic scholar in the world. Mualana Tariq Jamil bayan are very popular in Muslim and non Muslim community all over the world.
Tariq Jameel sab recived his islamic education from Raiwind near Lahore. Molana Tariq Jameel always gives lectures to creat unity among Muslim Ummah. Tairq Jameel is one of the islamic scholar who is popular in all sects.
I always get motivated by listing Tairq Jameel new bayan 2018 ramzan.
Maulana Ka Roza Rasool (SAW) Par Hazari Denay Ka Anokha Andaz | very emotional bayan must listen