
S. Korean gov't to pay for performance fees, flight charges, etc. for its Pyongyang performances

2018-04-20 3 Dailymotion

통일부 "남북협력기금으로 예술단•태권도시범단 평양 공연 경비 지원"

South Korea is to cover the expenses of its art troupe and Taekwondo demonstration team's visit to Pyongyang through the government's Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund
According to Seoul's unification ministry the fund was set up in 1990 to enable exchanges of material resources and comprehensive cooperation.
One-point-six billion Korean Won... or approximately one-point-five million U.S. dollars... will go to the staff and companies as performance fees, flight charges and other related spendings, excluding accommodations, meals and transportation whilst in North Korea as the regime covered such costs.
The same fund will also be used... to conduct gene tests to keep the records of separated families for possible reunions in the future... and also to build a digital archive for relics both sides recovered in the North Korean city of Kaesong since 2007.