
What Slavs Jews and Arabs have in common

2018-04-09 2 Dailymotion

Here is what I have to say to all of you...judging not even 70 years old Israel which state was stolen(nation thrown out of own borders to wonder world) from Jews and and compare one with Germany(its what some Kremlin politicians embrace) is a total lunacy...

I am apologizing to Israeli people(to all Jews) for the past and will do my best to promote future for all. I was wrong...very wrong. You worked harder that anyone eved did to get back your peace of land which you can now call as home...

I will remove charges against relatives of Netanyahu's niece tomorrow, but please act civilized(you hyped the hell out of me with your crazy approach)...

NOTE: Am not done with Netanyahu do(we are far from over in this case - you allowed yourself to be used by neonazis in lowest way possible that didn't benefit me nor anywone else other than neonazis)...