
The Esc4pe - Playthrough (indie first person shooter)

2018-03-29 1 Dailymotion

-- The Esc4pe - Playthrough (indie first person shooter) --
This project is made as practical exercise for the "Master in Video Game Development with Unity3D & 3DS Max Official Autodesk (MPV)" of CICE Madrid (http://cice.es/curso/master-en-desarrollo-de-videojuegos-con-unity-y-3dsmax/).

A "primitive shooter" developed in one month with technical restrictions based on the topics seen in class until the project start date. The game is not optimized (its performance is not stable).

Support XBox360 Controller in all PC platforms (implementing the input map for Linux and OSX following the information found on this wiki).

The game is initially designed to be played in 5~10 minutes (It can take 20~30 minutes to complete).

Developed and full tested under:

Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (with Crimson drivers)
Windows 10 Pro x64

Game web site: http://portfolio.visualstudioex3.com/2017/02/20/the-esc4pe-a-primitive-shooter/
Post on my blog, Visual Studio EX3, with more details (ES): http://visualstudioex3.com/blog/gamedev/the-esc4pe-un-primitive-shooter-hecho-en-unity3d/
Twitter (ES): @ex3_tlsa
Facebook (ES): http://www.facebook.com/visualstudioex3

-- The Esc4pe - Playthrough (indie first person shooter) --