
Worlds Most Bizarre Inventions Ever Made

2018-03-25 1 Dailymotion

Baby mops and toilet paper hats are some of the strangest things ever created. If you want to know more here are the worlds most bizarre inventions ever made. \r
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9. Eye drop funnels.\r
Looking for a funny twist on putting in eye drops? We all hate when were putting in eyedrops and it gets all over our face. Try the new eye drop funnel glasses. Another wacky invention from Japan, these glasses ensure that the eye drop bottle doesnt get too close to your eye. Some people are afraid of poking themselves but just by the appearance alone, this makes it on our list.\r
8. Thomas Edisons Talking Doll.\r
Just the idea of a talking doll from the 1800s seems extremely bizarre and creepy to most people but once you take a look at it, you may have nightmares. Record players were placed inside the doll and played songs, recited poetry and he expected to make millions off the creation. However, this creation wasnt a success probably because it looks like something out of a horror . This idea may be more popular now but its eerie appearance still scares children. Edison probably should have quit after the lightbulb.\r
7. The toilet paper hat. \r
When allergy season hits us, sometimes a constant amount of tissue paper is needed in order to blow our nose. No longer do you need to keep some in your pocket which maybe dirty or full of lint. Try the toilet paper hat if you want easy access in order to tissue paper by just looking up. And hey, who knows if the public restroom will have the soft kind you prefer. Having your brand of toilet paper strapped on your head will prevent this.\r
6. The Selfie Toaster.\r
In the 21st century, its common knowledge that selfies are all the rage. But who wants to see an ordinary selfie on a screen anymore, not me at least. Get your selfie burned right on a piece of toast and take a bite. How many of your friends do you know can ually eat their own selfie? Invite your friends over for breakfast and surprise them when your photo is on their bread! For only 40 bucks, this could be the next big thing for millennials. \r
5. Baby scooter Stroller Hybrid.\r
Moms know pushing a baby stroller can be a long, strenuous task but it doesnt have to be anymore! This scooter/stroller can get you and your baby where you need to go quickly and effectively and you can be that cool mom, taking advantage of new technology. Although cars and other people getting in the way may be an issue, just simply attach a horn to your scooter and stroll along the street! This scooter weighs about 44 pounds but unfortunately only a prototype has been built.\r
4. Book Shaped Pillow.\r
Long boring lessons to overworked students seems to be too common of a problem. Weve all missed long amounts of sleep studying for tests, and just need to sleep during that one class incognito. Try the book shaped pillow to conceal your true intentions of coming to class while still not getting marked absent for attendance.\r
3. Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab \r
In the 1950s, America has seen the destruction of nuclear weapons but also is extremely curious about its potential peaceful purposes. Little is known, however about the dangers of radioivity. Alfred Carlton Gilfred designed a lab that allowed children to watch chemical reions with radioive material including Uranium-238. During the time it was a little unpopular with children because of the complexity, however now its a highly priced collectors item and remains a bizarre object to own.\r
2. The dog and cat butt cover.\r
At number 2, this invention is much less complex the last few but definitely more bizarre. Ok we understand that a dogs butt isnt the most pleasant thing to look at but adding designs to cover it and close off his backside is pushing it a little bit. Some are adding designs in the shapes of flowers, hearts and smiley faces to their pets rear ends. This seems to bring just a little to much attention to the area.\r
1. The safety coffin. \r
During the 18th and 19th century the cholera epidemic lead to many incidences of accidental live burials. The safety coffin would allow detection, normally by a cord that was buried with the deceased so that they could ring it in case they were still alive. Some designs even included ladders, or feeding tubes. The only setback with this design is that it lacked a proficient method providing oxygen underground. Chances are even if they were buried with this device, it was already too late.