
15 best unique diy valentine's day Ideas 2018 - DIY - এই গিফট পেলে মেয়ে পটতে বাধ্য

2018-03-12 7 Dailymotion

15 Best Unique Valentine Gift Ideas 2018 | ১৫টি চমৎকার ভ্যালেনটাইন গিফট আইডিয়া ২০১৮
Valentine's day is a very special day for every single couple of the world. Loving someone doesn't wait for any special day though Valentine's day has been chosen a very special day for the loved ones.
Obastob 5 presenting you a very special video on this occation to make your loved one feel the happiest person in the world.

Watch the video for the ideas and to know how to make it or from where you can get it check the links down below.
Tutorial Links of the gift ideas:
15. Chocolate Box | MissTiffanyMa: https://youtu.be/xAiU6tW5JbM?t=1m12s
14. Valentine Mystery Box | Craft World: https://youtu.be/yXrKuGLUrDY
13. Love Dairy | IdunnGoddess: https://youtu.be/TTo7JSno9ds?t=4m36s
12. Special Maze Card | For Near and Dear Gifts: https://youtu.be/CKQ0UM8INOU
11. Couple Locket: https://goo.gl/esrcQE
10. Couple Mug: https://goo.gl/cLdbVn
09. Special Flower Bucket | aishasignature: https://youtu.be/dAi9GY8iypY
08. Jar of Love | x3Haha: https://youtu.be/Urb1Xc6IFdA?t=3m4s
07. Valentine Scrapbook | Craft World: https://youtu.be/VhPp68S3-AQ
06. Collage Photo Frame: https://goo.gl/wGwCYG
05. Secret Code Box | aPasos Crafts DIY: https://youtu.be/8k6dHyBwhII
04. Couple T-shirt: https://goo.gl/xbbSdq
03. Valentine Mail Box | Craft World: https://youtu.be/q0i7cqT9BmI
02. Valentine Ring | IdunnGoddess: https://youtu.be/TTo7JSno9ds?t=7m27s
01. Propose Her/Him | Poke My Heart: https://youtu.be/YQaiqq9lU5g

Essential Videos for some special crafts:
DIY Maze Card Tutorial | Handmade Card Idea: https://youtu.be/-cQu5qmy6Xs
How To Make A Heart Shaped Paper Gift Box DIY Gift Box: https://youtu.be/65Ve_fyKUnc
Section Box Divider | Paper Kawaii: https://youtu.be/S1HZXYZtM-Q

Special Thanks to the Youtube Creators for the awesome crafts whole heartedly. If you feel any query about the video please send me an email on [email protected]

Background Music:
Emotional Melodic Guitar Solo 3 by Stel Andre: https://youtu.be/xu74LK_p82g
Tumi Robe Nirobe |Tagore Song 01 Relaxing Piano Instrumental: https://youtu.be/h1UKF1QPQsE
Razihel - Love U [NCS Release]: https://youtu.be/OJBxNA8cX-E
Copyright Notice:
All the videos are collected from internet. If anyone has any objection please dont give any copyright strike and send me a mail on [email protected] or send me massage on our facebook page.
Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/অবাস্তব-৫-1921931571455570/
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