
Bisuteria Handcuff Beaded Ring (Version en Español)

2018-03-03 1 Dailymotion

Lista de Materiales:\r
Delicas 11/0 en dos diferentes colores\r
2 Protectores de alambre\r
Fireline 6LB\r
MarielBeadsandBeyondQuickandfacil channel is dedicated to make step by step video tutorials of Handmade Jewelry, Learn how to make Custom Jewelry, DIY Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, Rings. You can learn Basic Stitches like Herringbone Stitch, Peyote Stitch, Right Angle Weave, St Petersburg Stitch, Brick Stitch, Ladder Stitch, Spiral Stitch, Russian Spiral, Square Stitch Etc.\r
El canal de MBABQuickandfacil esta dedicado a hacer video tutoriales paso a paso de como hacer tu propia Joyeria Hecha a mano ( Bisuteria Fina de Fantasia ) Aprende a hacer tu Bisuteria paso a paso DIY Collares, Brasaletes, Aretes, Anillos y todas las puntadas basicas como, Herringbone Stitch, Peyote Stitch, Right Angle Weave, St Petersburg Stitch, Brick Stitch, Ladder Stitch, Spiral Stitch, Russian Spiral, Square Stitch Etc.\r
All My You Tube Videos are the property of MarielBeadsandBeyond. Not to be copied or reproduced without written permission of MarielBeadsandBeyond.\r
Todos mis videos son Gratis. Mis videos de You Tube son propiedad de MarielBeadsandBeyond. No pueden ser copiados ni \r
reproducidos sin la autorizacion escrita de MarielBeadsandBeyond.\r
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