- Dual Justice Combination
* Gohan and Videl
-" /> - Dual Justice Combination
* Gohan and Videl

DBXV2 - How to get New Trainer Dual Skills and SSGSS Blue Transformation

2018-03-01 8 Dailymotion

"Skill Type Melee" (Dual Ultimate):
- Dual Justice Combination
* Gohan and Videl
- Dual Super Elite Combo
* Jaco
- Dual Darkness Rush
* Lord Slug
- Dual Time Skip/Molotov
* Hit
- Dual Instant Severance
* Zamasu

"Skill Type Ki Blast" (Dual Ultimate)
- Dual Super Kamehameha
* Goku
- Dual Brave Heat
* Bardock
- Dual Explosive Assault
* Gohan (Kid)
- Dual Super Kamehameha: Gohan (Adult)
* Gohan and Videl
- Dual Special Beam Cannon
* Piccolo
- Dual Chain Destructo-disc Barrage
* Krillin
- Dual Spirit Ball
* Yamcha
- Dual Neo Tri-Beam
* Tien
- Dual Weekend
* Raditz
- Dual Giant Storm
* Nappa
- Dual Final Flash
* Vegeta
- Dual Milky Cannon
* Captain Ginyu
- Dual Supernova
* Frieza (1st Form)
- Dual Dead End Rain
* Android 18
- Dual Perfect Kamehameha
* Cell (Perfect)
- Dual Angry Explosion
* Majin Buu
- Dual Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
* Gotenks
- Dual Gigantic Meteor
* Broly
- Dual Sphere of Destruction
* God of Destruction Beerus
- Dual Maiden Blast
* Pan
- Dual Symphonic Destruction
* Whis
- Dual Hell Flash
* Android 16
- Dual Supernova (Cooler)
* Cooler (Final Form)
- Dual One-Handed Kamehameha
* Gohan (Future)
- Dual Meteor Burst
* Turles
- Dual Elegant Blaster
* Zarbon
- Dual Dodoria Launcher
* Dodoria
- Dual Grand Smasher
* Bojack

"Other" (Dual Ultimate)
- Dual The Savior Has Come
* Hercule

"Non-Trainer" (Dual Skill)
- Remote Serious Bomb
* Fu