
Vines mea electa Quatre motets pour un temps de penitence - 1938 - Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc

2018-03-04 18 Dailymotion

The University of Akron Concert Choir performs, "Vines mea electa Quatre motets pour un temps de penitence," by Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc on 10 March 1988 in Guzzetta Recital Hall, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. Director: Dr. Edward Maclary. Members of the Choir: David Whitesel, Beth Karchefsky, Barbara Mattox, Elizabeth Merritt, Carolyn Anderson, Kathy Brannan, Lisa Campbell, Jennifer Clark, Thea Dyan Howell, Katherine Hulse, Laurie Humphrey, Jill Jones, Michelle Krajcovic, Shelly Newhouse, Cynthia Norton, Lana Royer, Sundra Rumph, Holly Thaxton, Carol Welch, Amy Welker, Jane Zuren, Robert Crawford, Michael Frazier, Jeff Furbay, Gregory Morris, George Nolen, Rolando Raganas, Paul Strelbicki, Denis Durbin, Helen Hoover, Heather Lynn Jones, Kawana Keith, Patricia Lehmann, Laura Leonard, Cynthia Schwind, Debbie Trostle, Gail Workinger, Kelly Wright, Jacquelyn Young, Mark Rosenthal, Jeffrey McGhee, Brian Johnson, Mark Bell, Steven Blackmon, Paul Giffen, Raymond Herbst, Russell Kern, Chuck Mong, Mark Murphy, Roger Stinchcomb, David Aberth, Myoungkook Ahn, Guy Ferraivolo, Mark Geiser, Buddy James, Christopher Jones, Mark Laskowski, John McElliott, Richard Wilson. This is presented in tribute to not only this choir, but also Dr. Edward Maclary, currently of the University of Maryland, and also in tribute to the late Dr. Dominic Guzzetta, the 11th President of The University of Akron, 1971-1984. Dr. Guzzetta, a former professional musician, served The University of Akron from 1958-71 in deanships, vice presidencies and then as Provost and Senior Vice President. A graduate of The University of Buffalo, New York, Dr. Guzzetta earned baccalaureate, master's, and doctorate degrees in 1948, 1951 and 1953 respectively. He was the recipient of honorary degrees from 5 colleges and universities. Prior to his career in education, he started out as a shoe repairman, a professional musician and an active and reserve military soldier earning the rank of LTC having served in the Pacific during World War II. Le Chœur de Concert de l'Université d'Akron présente, "Vines mea electa Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence", par Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc le 10 mars 1988 à Guzzetta Recital Hall, Akron, Ohio, États-Unis Directeur: Dr. Edward Maclary. 10 मार्च 1 9 88 रोजी गॉझेट्टा रिआयटलल हॉल, अक्रॉन, ओहियो, यू.एस.ए. येथे डॉ. एडवर्ड मॅक्लरी यांच्या "एकॉन कॉन्सर्ट चर्चिल" च्या कार्यक्रमात "व्हेनस मे इण्डा को क्वाट्रे मोनेट्स फॉर अनपेप्शन डे पॅनितेंस" सादर केले. Chuo Kikuu cha Akron Concert Choir hufanya, "Vines mea electa Quatre motets pour un temps de penitence," na Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc tarehe 10 Machi 1988 katika Guzzetta Recital Hall, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. Mkurugenzi: Dr Edward Maclary. 阿克倫大學音樂會合唱團在1988年3月10日在美國俄亥俄州阿克倫的Guzzetta演奏大廳演奏了“Vines mea electa quatre motets pour un temps de penitence”,由Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc執導。