
Kinder Surprise Chocolate Eggs : Unboxing 3 Surprise Eggs Boxes ; Barbie, Paw Patrol and K Surprise I MisterPlayStudio

2018-02-17 3 Dailymotion

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In this first video ever from MisterPlayStudio, we are going to be playing with 3 surprise eggs boxes. We have a surprise box of Barbie for little girls, then we have a Paw Patrol box for the boys and finally, we have a Kinder Surprise box for everyone.

We are going to discover what we have in these boxes but we are not going to unboxe the eggs just yet in order to keep this video short.

Don't worry though because we have other videos from the same collection coming soon and we are going to unboxe those boxes just to discover the surprise toys they have for us.

Barbie, the Paw Patrol and the Kinder Surprise eggs boxes are one of the most popular new shows on Disney Junior Channel for toddlers and preschool children. But parents love them too.

MisterPlayStudio is a Toy Channel for toddlers, their parents and preschool children who love toys dolls. But everyone is warmly welcome. I make daily Vídeos Revision of toys you can find in your favorite toy stores. I speak french and as you can hear from the video, a little english.

Kinder eggs - kinder surprise eggs!!! let's crack 'em open!

If you like what I do make sure to subscribe to my channel. I'm an avid DisneyToy Collector.

Bonjour à tous, bienvenue dans cette toute première video de MisterPlayStudio. Dans cette video nous allons à la découverte de 3 boites de Kinder Surprise a leur équivalents afin de les ouvrir et découvrir les petites surprises qu'elles contiennent. Nous avons ainsi une boite de la très célèbre poupée Barbie, des chiens courageux de Paw Patrol et enfin la très mondialement connue boite de Kinder.

Cette chaine est dédiée aux petits comme aux grands qui aiment les jouets. Ici on ne se prend pas la tête et on ne se prend pas trop au sérieux l'idée étant juste de s'amuser en découvrant de belles choses.

Si vous aimez la vidéo, abonnez-vous sans tarder à ma chaine : https://goo.gl/7Fg2z7

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Music : YouTube Audio