Ive broken enough nails to know how much it sucks so I found a solution that you can do yourself at home. And if you love the look of long nails this is an easy DIY kit for a perfect acrylic mani at home. \r
Jeez how many times to I say nail(s) in this video \r
Products mentioned:\r
Kiss Lightning Speed Salon Dip Powder Manicure Kit (the kit comes with everything you need)\r
Essie Polish Fiji\r
FTC: Not a sponsored video, I purchased everything on my own with my own monayyyyyy\r
○ S N A P C H A T: lesassafras\r
○ I N S T A G R A M: thesassafras\r
○ T W I T T E R: @3INNIW\r
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2020AVE Use code: SASSAFRAS for 10% off\r
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